Tag Archives: Marble Fireplace Cleaning Restoration London

What should I do if marble chips or cracks?

Marble and Natural Stone Restoration and Repair in London

Few materials top the natural elegance of marble, or add more character, whether you have it as a worktop, floor or fireplace in your home, workplace or a property you’re developing or renting out. People often ask us what they should do if this stone becomes damaged in any way, through cracking or chipping or […]

Marble fireplaces – do they stain and do you need to seal them?

Marble Fireplace Restoration London

Durable, dense and a great insulator against heat, marble makes a superb choice for fireplaces and surrounds. Also versatile and low-maintenance, these units bring warmth, beauty and elegance into your home. One thing we’re often asked is whether marble fireplaces stain easily, and whether they should be sealed. Here, we attempt to answer those questions. […]

Four great fireplace ideas for your home this autumn

Natural Stone Fireplace Repair and Restoration in London

As autumn deepens and winter approaches, it’s a good time to focus attention inwards on home and (literally) hearth. And few living room focal points beat a fireplace. Here, we offer a few tips to fire (excuse the pun) the imagination, whether you’re fitting a new unit or considering adding one to your home. Store […]

What is micro marble – and what makes it ideal for fireplaces?

Micro Marble for Fireplace Restoration and Repair in London

A popular choice for modern fireplaces, micro marble comprises crushed natural stone mixed with resin. The finish and colouring in this material are beautifully even and consistent, creating a soft, warm look to your stone. So it’s not surprising that these models are outstripping the conventional version of the material. What else is in it […]

Want to consider when choosing a marble floor

Marble Cleaning Restoration and Repair in London

Widely considered since ancient times to be one of the most luxurious and visually appealing natural stones, marble is still the material of choice for many residential and public buildings. Its naturally elegant appearance certainly add to a room’s beauty. However, if you’re choosing marble flooring, you’ll be aware that this stuff is not exactly […]

Reaping the rewards: feel the benefits of a real marble fireplace

Marble Fireplace Restoration London

We can all hope we’re over the worst of the winter, and that spring, and eventually summer, are on their way. So you may think it’s no time to be thinking about fitting a real fireplace. But, actually, the warmer months are the ideal time of year for this job. Then you can look forward […]

Top marble trends for 2020

Marble Restoration and Repair in London

The celebrations may be long over, but it’s still a new decade, and we’re barely a few weeks into 2020. So while many of us may have ditched those New Year’s resolutions by now, there’s still time to look at how interior design is likely to evolve over the months and years ahead. Less is […]

Why marble cleaning always needs a little extra care and attention!

Marble Cleaning Attentions

A recent letter from a reader to a national newspaper’s ‘consumer champion’ column reminded us how important it is to get marble cleaning absolutely right, every time. The London-based correspondent, named only as DP, had turned to a website to find a new cleaner for their home. The site assured ‘DP’ that a five-star, experienced […]

Time to clean your cleaners? The products that don’t work

Cleaner Tools for Marble Natural Stone and Countertop

When you want to clean a surface, you probably just grab a sponge and cleaning product and get to work. You may not think too much about it. But when consumer advocacy group Choice carried out some testing recently, they found that many surface-cleansing products are actually no more effective than water. Some are actively […]

How to clean a marble floor

Marble Restoration Repair and Cleaning in London

If you’re lucky enough to have a marble floor in your home or business, you’ll know how stunning this natural stone can look. But while marble is durable and great to look at it, it’s also prone to stains. To keep your marble floor looking its best, learn how to look after them. Here are […]