Tag Archives: Marble Countertop Restoration London

Your dark materials: consider kitchen countertops in heavier hues

Countertop Restoration in London

Considering updating your kitchen? Add a strong dash of modern design with a kitchen countertop in a darker colour than one you have used before. This use of heavier hues is a popular trend. But it also adds some classical elegance to your home. These colours combine informality with an ideal background for modern  high-tech […]

The things you never knew about marble

Marble Repair and Restoration in London

As a material, marble is a timeless classic, lending any room it’s found in a feeling of true luxury. Here, we share 10 facts about this porous stone that may be news to you: It hails from the mountains Marble is found in mountainous areas of the US, Europe (especially Italy), Asia and South America. […]

Things you never knew you shouldn’t store on your kitchen countertop!

Countertop Restoration and Cleaning in London

Clearly you’re in your kitchen every day, and it’s easy to take your countertops somewhat for granted. So you may have stopped thinking about what you place on these surfaces. You may also stash things here when you’re not sure where else to put them. But there are ways of using the space effectively. What’s […]

Emerging trends for kitchen countertops in 2019

Countertop Cleaning London

The Kitchen and Bath Industry Show, held in Las Vegas in February, sets interiors trends internationally. This year looks set to be no exception. Dark colours, thin surfaces and wood-based patterns are all themes which have emerged from the event. Darker tones for countertops Several suppliers showcased darker engineered countertops at the show this year. […]

Marble countertops: all you need to know

Marble Countertop Restoration London

Thanks to its natural beauty and strength, designers and homeowners alike love marble. They have long seen it as a highly viable option for the most important room in any home – the kitchen. After all, this substance’s bright, clean appearance is guaranteed to bring more than a dash of elegance to any kitchen. What’s […]