Tag Archives: honed and polished marble

The things you never knew about marble

Marble Repair and Restoration in London

As a material, marble is a timeless classic, lending any room it’s found in a feeling of true luxury. Here, we share 10 facts about this porous stone that may be news to you: It hails from the mountains Marble is found in mountainous areas of the US, Europe (especially Italy), Asia and South America. […]

Is your marble polished or honed?

Honed and Polished Marble

Master craftsmen have used marble, a kind of white limestone, for centuries in historical works from the Taj Mahal to Michelangelo’s David and Moses sculptures. Today, it remains a popular and prestigious material. Elegant and naturally beautiful, the depth of its patterning and unique markings make marble a luxurious choice in modern homes and businesses. […]