Category Archives: Quartz

Things you never knew you shouldn’t store on your kitchen countertop!

Countertop Restoration and Cleaning in London

Clearly you’re in your kitchen every day, and it’s easy to take your countertops somewhat for granted. So you may have stopped thinking about what you place on these surfaces. You may also stash things here when you’re not sure where else to put them. But there are ways of using the space effectively. What’s […]

Emerging trends for kitchen countertops in 2019

Countertop Cleaning London

The Kitchen and Bath Industry Show, held in Las Vegas in February, sets interiors trends internationally. This year looks set to be no exception. Dark colours, thin surfaces and wood-based patterns are all themes which have emerged from the event. Darker tones for countertops Several suppliers showcased darker engineered countertops at the show this year. […]