Avoiding some of the drawbacks to Limestone

Limestone Restoration Chip Repair London

Limestone is a hugely popular material to use in homes and commercial settings. After all, it looks incredible. It’s durable and adds value plus a touch of luxury to any property. Chefs love it because its pale colour makes a good match for the stainless steel fixtures of professional kitchens. Plus, you can choose from various styles, so it’s very versatile.

However, as with anything else, there are some things to bear in mind before you commit. Here, we look at some of them.

Tendency to scratch

More than a harder stone such as granite, limestone can scratch fairly easily. It’s pliable, which means it can also discolour. Remember it’s a porous material, another reason why it is easy to damage.

It may need a little more maintenance

With limestone, you have to be particularly sure you don’t put hot pans directly on the surface. Equally, never cut anything without using a suitable board.

Even after sealing your limestone, you can’t completely rule out the possibility of stains. (However, it’s still worth resealing your worktop every year.)

Sensitive to acid

Take special care when using acidic substances on your limestone countertop. These could include citrus fruits, vinegar, red wine and the like. They can cause etching or marking. You can try using a polishing compound with some fine steel wool, and lightly buffing the stone.

Lightly coloured, easy to stain

Clearly, its pale colour is one of the reasons limestone has a smart, elegant appearance. But that also means it doesn’t take much to stain it. As with all natural stone, wipe up any spillages immediately. If a stain is stubborn, mix a cup of flour with three tablespoons of hydrogen peroxide and apply.

Despite these potential drawbacks, we’re confident you’ll find limestone’s advantages, especially its sophisticated appearance, far outweigh the niggles.

Talk to us at Royal Stone Care

At Royal Stone Care, we offer limestone repair and similar services, including limestone cleaning in London. We can help whether you have a business or private property. Get in touch today for an informal chat, for free. Having a reliable supplier to provide your limestone care is the best way of keeping your stone looking its best.