Tag Archives: Marble Fireplace Cleaning Restoration London

Time to clean your cleaners? The products that don’t work

Cleaner Tools for Marble Natural Stone and Countertop

When you want to clean a surface, you probably just grab a sponge and cleaning product and get to work. You may not think too much about it. But when consumer advocacy group Choice carried out some testing recently, they found that many surface-cleansing products are actually no more effective than water. Some are actively […]

How to clean a marble floor

Marble Restoration Repair and Cleaning in London

If you’re lucky enough to have a marble floor in your home or business, you’ll know how stunning this natural stone can look. But while marble is durable and great to look at it, it’s also prone to stains. To keep your marble floor looking its best, learn how to look after them. Here are […]

The things you never knew about marble

Marble Repair and Restoration in London

As a material, marble is a timeless classic, lending any room it’s found in a feeling of true luxury. Here, we share 10 facts about this porous stone that may be news to you: It hails from the mountains Marble is found in mountainous areas of the US, Europe (especially Italy), Asia and South America. […]

I think I’d love a marble fireplace – how can I best look after it?

Marble Fireplace Restoration and Cleaning in London

Marble has been used for thousands of years, including of course, by Romans and Greeks in some of their most famous monuments and works of art. And not only is it a truly beautiful material, but it’s also heat-resistant, meaning a fireplace has long been one of the most obvious places to use this substance […]