What are the pros and cons of bathroom granite countertops?

Granite Restoration Repair Cleaning London

Modern bathroom vanity units and countertops come in a huge range of different colours, sizes and materials. That’s especially true when you consider the latest fabrication and cutting techniques. But if you’re wondering about the latter, granite remains a popular choice. And it’s not hard to see why. So if you thought granite was only for the kitchen, think again!

Here, we list the benefits of using this gorgeous natural stone in another key room in your home – the bathroom. (We’ll also add a few ‘cons’ that you may wish to think about.)

Granite in the bathroom: why you should …

Granite is a dense rock produced by ancient volcanos. It’s hard and durable, so once it’s there in your bathroom, it will last for many years to come. Equally, water won’t affect its appearance – another big bonus. And granite can resist scratches well, along with daily wear-and-tear and the kinds of spillages that are common in this area of the house, from lipstick to other cosmetics and products. The substance is also eco-friendly, you can tint it in a variety of different colours and it comes in tiles or slabs.

Finally, the sheer attractiveness of granite is another reason for choosing it. It will look stunning in your bathroom, just as it can transform the appearance of a kitchen.

… and a few reasons as to why you maybe shouldn’t

One thing to bear in mind is that granite countertops are very heavy, so they can sometimes be something of a challenge to install. (Transportation can also sometimes require a little more thought and planning than other natural stones.) However, if there is an issue you could stick to just tiles. Additionally, it’s not the cheapest material in the world. At the same time, low maintenance does not mean maintenance free, and you will still need to seal your bathroom units and look after them generally.

Talk to us

Royal Stone Care specialises in granite care in bathrooms as well as other areas of private and business premises. We provide granite cleaning and granite chip repair alongside other maintenance services for natural stones in London. Contact us today for an informal chat about what you need and we’ll take it from there.