Using granite in commercial settings

Granite Restoration Repair London

There are numerous benefits to using granite as a material for kitchen or bathroom units. This stuff is seriously resistant to chipping and scratching. It’s also relatively affordable and easy to clean and maintain. And it handles stains, moisture and heat well. So it’s good to have in high-traffic areas. Equally, it adds value to […]

Keep spiders away from kitchen countertops

Natural Stone Countertop Restoration Repair

While just over a fifth of us admit experiencing arachnophobia, or fear of spiders, you don’t have to be an extreme sufferer to not want these insects in your home. When it comes to keeping the little blighters out of your kitchen, it’s a good idea to give chemical deterrents a swerve, especially if you’re […]

How to seal a limestone floor

Limestone Floor Cleaning and Restoration London

Hardwearing, low-maintenance limestone gives a fantastic finish to a floor. You can also have a rich variety of colours, textures and finishes. But it does need to be sealed post-fitting, just as many other natural materials do. And that’s because it’s a sedimentary rock, mainly comprising calcium carbonate. It’s also naturally porous. So applying a […]

Our top tips for polishing wooden furniture

Wood Furniture Polishing and Restoration London

Over time, wooden surfaces can become dull and lose their natural shine. This is typically down to sunlight, dirt, dust and so on. Regular polishing removes all grime from the timber, restoring its appearance. At the same time, polishing protects your wood, increases its value and helps it to last longer. Finally, if you have […]

The importance of keeping your marble dry

Marble Restoration Repair London

When it comes to keeping marble worktops in tip-top condition, prevention is always better than cure. And we’ve written before about the importance of using the right products for marble cleaning, stain removal and so on. Plus we’ve discussed marble sealing and the need to mop up any spillages as soon as they occur. What’s […]

Charity says stone worktop ban ‘won’t save lives’

Stone Worktop Restoration Repair London

The British Occupational Hygiene Society is a scientific charity which promotes workplace health. Now it says the UK should not follow Australia’s example of banning engineered stone countertops. Instead, it insists it’s possible to ‘manage out’ the potential dangers of silicosis from quartz and so on. Australia is the first country to ban the manufacture, […]

How to deal with hard water stains on granite?

Marble Granite Floor Restoration London

Thames Water says that more than 60% of us in the UK live in areas where the water is hard. And that includes London and Kent (among other areas), due to their limestone and chalk geology. Essentially, hard water means high levels of magnesium and calcium compounds, which cause limescale. Granite is comparatively impervious, and […]

Limestone fireplace surround: feel the benefits

Limestone Fireplace Restoration Repair London

Decided you want a fireplace in your home? You’ll find a vast array of products on the market from which to take your pick. Indeed, it can be hard to know which option would be the best-looking, longest-lasting and most suitable generally for your home. One substance you may not have considered is limestone. Here, […]

Countertops: do you declutter?

Natural Stone Countertop Restoration Repair

The ex-Spice Girl Geri Halliwell (Ginger Spice) has made an Instagram reel about how, of all things, she brews up a refreshing cup of ginger tea. But it wasn’t her beverage-making skills that attracted attention. Instead, it was her kitchen surfaces, which looked rather, shall we say, lived-in. Based on the evidence of the clip, […]

What are the benefits of sanding a wooden floor?

Wood Cleaning Restoration London

There are numerous sound reasons for choosing real wood for your floors. Of course, genuine timber looks great. That’s because it effortlessly adds a touch of elegance and luxury to any space. It’s also very hygienic and, what’s more, you can clean this material very easily. Plus you can sand wooden flooring multiple times. Indeed, […]