The UK Houzz Kitchen Trends survey it out . either currently planning or have recently completed a kitchen renovation has revealed that the vast majority of homeowners (92%) who refurbished their kitchens also refitted their countertops at the same time. Among the popular choices for the new features were engineered quartz (42%), butcher’s block or a wooden slab (14%), granite (10%) and marble (5%).
And the ongoing popularity of engineered quartz is interesting given the recent headlines about the possible health and safety implications for manufacturers who do not follow HSE guidelines on working with this stone.
At the same time, nearly three-quarters (71%) altered their kitchen’s layout as part of their refurb. Meanwhile, 63% improved plumbing, heating or electrical systems.
Equally, the survey of homeownershas highlighted the popularity of slab splashbacks, vinyl flooring and using a combination of colours for cabinetry. Finally, expenditure on kitchen upgrades rose by more than a third (34%) to £13,000 in 2024.
It’s all white
In terms of colour, white and off-white were the most sough-after shade for kitchen countertops. They were chosen by 32% and 22% of home-owners respectively. The second most popular option was for wood tones, which came in at 16% of respondents.
How do people choose their worktops?
You don’t need us to tell you that picking your countertop and its material is a key decision in any kitchen refit. So how do people decide? The survey revealed that the look and feel of the potential material was a priority for 65% of consumers.
Durability and ease of cleaning were also significant factors. .These came in at at 44% and 38% respectively. Intriguingly, cost was a vital element for just 24% of homeowners. And this figure had dipped seven percentage points since last year.
Commenting on the survey, a Houzz economist said:
“Worktops allow homeowners to personalise their kitchens for aesthetic and practical reasons. These include ease of cleaning and durability.”
So, even while design trends are changing, worktops remain top priority.
Get in touch
Royal Stone Care has its HQ in London. But it offers UK-wide coverage for homes and businesses. We specialise in caring for natural stone. Make us your first port of call, whether you need marble cleaning, granite chip repair or limestone restoration in London. Recently invested in upgrading the heart of your home? We’re here to help you make the most of your renovation by keeping your natural stone features in impeccable condition.