Keep spiders away from kitchen countertops

Natural Stone Countertop Restoration Repair

While just over a fifth of us admit experiencing arachnophobia, or fear of spiders, you don’t have to be an extreme sufferer to not want these insects in your home.

When it comes to keeping the little blighters out of your kitchen, it’s a good idea to give chemical deterrents a swerve, especially if you’re lucky enough to have natural stone countertops in the heart of your home, since chemicals can damage these features.

And, for a start-off, while this one may seem obvious, don’t leave any food out; just store it in the fridge or tightly sealed containers.

Try peppermint essential oil

Another idea is peppermint essential oil, since this scent is something spiders don’t like. Spray it in corners of your kitchen or entry points where the pests could get in. (Just keep cats and dogs out of the kitchen once you’ve done this.)

Apple cider vinegar and lemon peel

Other ideas include keeping countertops in kitchens or vanity unit in bathrooms as dry as possible, since spiders love moisture (and natural stone worktops, by the way, don’t). Or you could try apple cider vinegar and washing up liquid. Wash your worktops down with this so the creatures stay away.

Use the vinegar as a spray, or pour it directly on the spiders if you want to kill them. The solution will comprise one cup of water with one cup of apple cider vinegar, with a couple of drops of washing-up liquid added to the mix as well, before you place it in a clean, empty spray bottle. This solution should not damage your natural stone countertops.

Yet another idea is to rub lemon peel on windowsills, skirting boards and anywhere else spiders might perch. The scent may be very pleasant to humans. But it will repel the pesky insects. (It’s probably best not to do this on a marble worktop, however, since this is acidic and could damage the stone.)

Finally, look for cracks in your kitchen where spiders could enter, and consider sealing them up.

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Royal Stone Care is a leading service provider of marble cleaning and restoration in London. We work with a wide variety of natural stones. Get in touch today, whether you’re a business or domestic customer.